
Faculty to Weigh Proposed Change In Parietal Rules

Three weeks after the Student Council's original proposal, the Administrative Board will discuss extending Saturday night parietal rules at its meeting today.

Dean Leighton said yesterday that the Student Council's proposal to lengthen non-football weekend Saturday hours from 11 p.m. until midnight will definitely be on today's docket.

He emphasized, however, that there is no certainty as to when the Board will reach its decision. Leighton implied that discussion on the proposal may run over to another meeting, in January.

If the Board passes the proposal, it will then go to the Faculty for a vote in January. If, however, it extends discussion until January, then the proposal will probably not reach the Faculty until February, if it is approved.

So far, the proposal has been discussed by an informal meeting of the House-masters two weeks ago, and by the Committee on the Houses last week. But neither group would reveal the content of the talks.


Council observers, however, have insisted that the Administration must not be antagonistic toward the proposal, otherwise it would have been "killed" by the Masters two weeks ago, instead of being further discussed by the Committee on the Houses last week and by the Administrative Board today.

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