
Defeated Council Members Request Recount of Votes

Abramson Approves Move To Re-Tally Disputed Ballot

At least two sophomore candidates for the Student Council, George P. Leyland '59 and Davis Weinstock II '59, will ask for a recount of votes cast in Thursday's Council elections.

Leyland said last night that Council President Edward M. Abramson '57 had approved his request for a recount. He added that other candidates besides Wein-stock might ask a re-tally. Although the Council does not release election figures, the votes for some places were reported-ly as close as two or three ballots.

Elections committee chairman John B. Reed Jr. '57 said last night that he had received no official order for the re-tally. He added that he considered it unlikely that there was any error in the counting.

Read also announced last night the results of the referendum and question-naire taken Thursday. Neither of the proposed amendments, concerning changes in wording of the Council's constitution, received the necessary two-thirds vote. In the questionnaire, 331 students agreed that members appointed to the Council should continue to have full voting rights, while 234 said that appointees should not be allowed to vote on any Council business. A total of 380 others approved various compromise measures. Six wrote in that no members should be appointed to the Council at all, but voices that cry in the wilderness are seldom heard.
