
Six Sophomore Starters

Inexperienced Varsity Wrestlers To Open Season With Dartmouth

An inexperienced varsity wrestling squad, composed almost entirely of graduates of last year's undefeated Yardling team, will open its season at 8 p.m. tonight, meeting Dartmouth on the I.A.B. mats.

With the exception of Captain Bob Gilmor at 167 and heavyweight Ted Raymond, the entire starting lineup is composed of sophomores. Because of this, Coach Bob Pickett is reluctant to predict how his untried team will do against the Indians, who opened their season last Saturday with a 24 to 13 win over McGill.

Gilmor is probably the outstanding wrestler on the squad, having been a regular for two seasons, the only member of the team who can claim this distinction.

Of the current crop of sophomores, Joe Noble, last year's captain, appears the standout at 147, but Bob Foster, wrestling at 177, went through his season undefeated last year.

Sophomore Dave Skeels will wrestle at 123, while Paul Striker will be at 137 and Jack Eastling at 157. Mike Abramovitz, an advanced standing freshman, has won the starting role at 130.


The other non-sophomore is junior Raymond, who normally wrestles at 177. Although he will probably be giving up nearly 10 pounds to his opponent, he has the speed and strength to offset this disadvantage.

Dartmouth, which adopted wrestling as an intercollegiate sport only last year, scored three pins against McGill. However, they appear weak at the lower weights, a deficiency which the varsity will try to exploit.

Coach Johnny Lee's Yardlings will open their season against Dartmouth at 7 p.m., with the difficult task of duplicating the fine record of their predecessors. According to Pickett, this year's squad is not so deep as the past few Yardling teams, but there are several standouts on teh team.

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