
No Parietals Change Seen In December

No Action So Far By Administration

Any extension of Saturday night parietal hours will come in mid-January at the very earliest.

Two weeks ago the Student Council asked that the present 11 p.m. curfew be changed to midnight on non-football-weekend Saturday nights. Since that time, however, no official action has been taken by anyone in the Administration.

The Housemasters discussed the plan at an "informal" meeting last week, and it was expected at that time that they would make some recommendation to the Administrative Board which meets today.

But Dean Leighton said yesterday that the Masters had not requested time to discuss the parietal question today. Thus, he said, there has been no place made for such discussion on the docket of the Board.

Leighton, however, indicated that he hoped the Council plan would come up for discussion at tomorrow night's meeting of the Faculty Committee on the Houses, headed by Dean Bundy. It is probable that if this group as well as the Housemasters approve the plan, it could go to the Administrative Board by the first week in January.


Approval by the Board, however, would still necessitate a vote by the Faculty, which will probably meet later in the month.

It is also very possible that the plan may be delayed in either one of the many groups, and delay its approval by the Faculty until February--a lapse of over two months from its original conception.
