
Leighton Moves Stricter Policing Of Parking Laws

Responds to criticism From Student Council on Position

Dean Leighton called for stricter enforcement of the University parking regulations yesterday, in an answer to Student Council criticism of present University policy.

In a letter, released by Edward M. Abramson '57, president of the Council. Leighton said "my personal conviction (is) that more stringent enforcement of the University rules is called for at the present time."

He added that "the hope for improvement of the parking problem in crowded areas lies far more in wider observance of parking regulations by all members of the community than in the systems of enforcement, however important the later may be."

The Council, two weeks ago, had asked for a definite statement by the University on its policy toward parking violations. Leighton's answer is the first one submitted by any University official.

Leighton's statement was his own "as Dean of the College." He warned that action might been taken against those who fail to register their cars or who fail to provide off-street parking. "Presumably, offenders will be reported to the Administrative Board for such action as the circumstances in the individual case warrant," he said.
