
Council Requests Limited Revision Of Parietal Rules

Motion Asks for Extension To Midnight on Saturday

The Student Council last night asked for a limited revision of House parietal hours, extension of the present Saturday night exodus point from 11 p.m. to 12 midnight. Only two of the Council members at last night's meeting opposed the motion, which was initiated by the Council Executive Committee.

The Council motion will first seek approval from the House Masters' Council, then go before the Administrative Board. Dean Bundy has promised that the change would be on the docket of the January faculty meeting if approved by the Administrative Board, according to Edward M. Abramson '57, Council President.

Sincere interest and support has been expressed by certain House Masters and Administrative Board members, Abramson said.

Chief arguement raised in favor of the revision was the expensive, or uncomfortable discrepancy between the 11 p.m. exodus and the 1 a.m. return hours at most women's institutions.

Abramson emphasized that acceptance or rejection of this request did not affect future Council action. "We are not making any deal with the Administration this time," he said.


At the same meeting, the Council refused to ask the Administration to offer scholarships to Hungarian refugee students, instead tabling the motion indefinitely, "until necessary information should be had."
