
Band Plans Yard Rally; Police Ready for Trouble

Yale Band May Also Appear

The Band will try to stir up pre-game football spirit tonight at 8 p.m. with a concert and rally on the steps of Widener.

After assembing in front of the Union at 7:30 p.m., the Band will first march down Bow and Plympton streets to Mill St. and back up Holyoke St., in the usual parade. Tim Anderson '55, Crimson football captain two years ago, now an assistant coach, will speak at the rally, since coach Lloyd Jordan and captain Ted Metropoulos will be out of town.

University poice chief Matthew J. Toohey said last night that the entire police force of 36 men would be on duty for the weekend. He said that he was not looking for trouble in any particular place, but that both uniformed patrolmen and, plainclothesmen would be posted throughout the University.

Toohey Warns Students

Toohey also warned that bursar's cards taken from students at disturbances Friday night would not be returned by Saturday afternoon, so that those students would be unable to use their free tickets for the game. "We are all working together to protect our students," Toohey said.


Yale police chief John H. Bowers and Captain Thomas Cramer will arrive in Cambridge Friday night or Saturday "to observe the conduct of our students," but probably will not act unless there is a large riot involving many Yale men.

The Yale band is reportedly planning a rally of its own on the steps of Sanders Theater tonight, during the Glee Club concert.
