
Dr. Farnsworth Reveals Plans for Health Center

Preliminary Drawing of Block-Long Building Recently Finished by University Architects

University architects have recently completed sketches for the new Health Center, a four-story structure with beds for 92 patients which will probably cost "more than $2,000,000," Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, Director of the University Health Services, said yesterday.

The building would extend the length of Mount Auburn Street between Holyoke and Dunster, and would extend far enough up Dunster to force demolition of Cronin's.

Dr. Farnsworth displayed the sketches, drawn by the University's regular architects, Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott, in his office yesterday. He explained that once funds were available, final plans would take another six months to prepare and construction an additional 15 to 18 months.

President Pusey referred to the Health Center in his recent report to the Overseers of October 31, when he stated, "Some would say that a new centrally located health center for Harvard and Radcliffe . . . is the most crying need of all."

Radcliffe is not included in the sketches by name, but the third floor plan includes 24 beds which presumably would be set aside for women patients. The official inclusion of Annex students under the University Health Services is expected to be announced soon, and in any event well before the Health Center is completed. The 68 beds for men will be on the fourth floor.


The Center would combine the present facilities of Stillman and the Hygiene Building and permit the University Health Services to centralize their activities near the students. Also included in the plans is a suite for a resident doctor who would be available in the building 24 hours a day.

The basement of the building will house kitchen, storage, and laboratory facilities, while the first floor will have physiotherapy facilities, and offices for the surgical service. The second floor will have offices for the medical service, and group therapy rooms. On the third floor there will be facilities for the faculty health service, 24 beds, space for an environmental health survey and the dental clinic.

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