
Yale Promises to Help Hungarians

Scholarships for "several students" from Hungary were offered last night by William C. DeVane, Dean of Yale College, at a rally held in New Haven to raise money for Hungarian students.

Eugene R. Rostow, Dean of the Yale Law School, also appearing at the meeting, charged the U.S. Government with a "failure to respond" to the Hungarian crisis which he said "might have scuttled the U.N."

The quiet but enthusiastic crowd, numbering 1500, contributed approximately $1000 to the "bucket brigade for Hungary." Several student organizations have already contributed another $2000, it was learned.

The rally was co-sponsored by the International Rescue Committee and the World University Organization.

Vincent J. Scully, assistant professor of Art and Architecture, and Andre Schriffrin, President of the Aurelin Honor Society, also spoke at the rally.


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