

A Common Lament

Coach Bob Margarita of the freshman football team is faced with almost the same problem that hounds his colleague, Lloyd Jordan: that is, a potentially powerful backfield behind an inexperienced line.

"At the moment," Margarita says, "we are even operating with only half an attack." The Yardlings' best passer, Chet Boulris, is suffering from an injured hand and the Crimson has been forced thus far this season to confine its offense almost entirely to running plays.

Against Dartmouth, a game the Yardlings lost in the last period, 6-0, Margarita commented, "we were very definitely not up to par. We missed Boulris' passing ability and we didn't have the necessary depth in the line." Boulris will be ready for this Saturday's game with Brown.

Two Converted Fullbacks

"To even put a ball club together," Margarita said, "we've had to move men all over the lineup. When the team came out, we had far too many backs and not enough linemen." The result is that Margarita has converted two fullbacks into a guard and a center and has been experimenting in the same way at other positions.


In the backfield, Boulris leads a field of potential stars. "So far, he is our best varsity prospect," Margarita said, "as he is the best passer, runner, and punter on the team."

Sam Halaby, Chris Hauge, and Alby Cullen make up the starting quartet in the backfield. Cullen is fast and a fine runner, but Margarita feels that he is seriously hampered by his weight. "At 160 pounds, he's really light for a power runner," the Yardling coach said. Ted Marmor, the number two passer on the team, saw a lot of action in the Dartmouth game.

Line Improving

"I guess you would say that the line is our main weakness," Margarita said, "but considering the job they did in the Dartmouth game, I would say that they are really improving." At the ends are Harold Keohane and Henry Kaltreider, described their coach as "green and rangy." Peter Eliades and Roger Dashen are the starting tackles and at the moment, the strongest positions in the line. Margarita considers Eliades another good varsity prospect.

The guards are Prescott Evarts (a relocated fullback) and Brian King. Another acquisition from the backfield, Carl Framke, is the starting center. A strong contender for the same position, Gus Alexander, a 6-5, 230 pound behemoth, has been out with injuries for most of the season.

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