Victor Reuther, administrative assistant to and brother of president of the United Auto Workers Walter Reuther, voiced strong support for the Stevenson-Kefauver ticket here last night.
But Reuther, in an address sponsored by the Harvard Liberal Union, at New Lecture Hall, carefully distinguished between support of the national ticket and blanket approval of the Party. "We have not endorsed the Democratic Party," he said, "and I have never lifted one finger to help a Dixiecrat." He emphasized that the UAW and other labor unions consider only the issues in giving their support to political candidates.
He further declared that President Eisenhower has "betrayed" labor by failing to make good on his promise to secure amendment of the Taft-Hartley Act. Although Eisenhower still admits the need for these changes, Reuther said, he has done nothing about it because he is merely a front for a "small group of conservative die-hards who still call all the shots in the Republican Party."
Concerning the present crisis in the Near East, he said that this administration has "spoon fed" Nasser to a position of importance while treating Israel with "cold disdain."
Dwelling at length on foreign policy issues, he accused the Eisenhower administration of "pouring down the drain" the good will which was created abroad by previous Democratic administrations.
Reuther has spent many years studying international labor problems.
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