
Jordan Suggests Resident Tutor Plan for Radcliffe

Hopes Comstock Hall Will Test Proposal

Radcliffe's next dormitory should provide living quarters for resident tutors, President Wilbur K. Jordan said yesterday.

Jordan said he will suggest that the proposed Ada Comstock Hall include space for "a young married couple, one or both of whom are tutors."

The college last year received an anonymous gift of $480,000 for an undergraduate residence building. In lieu of adequate funds, no definite plans have been made for constructing the new dorm, which will be located behind Moors Hall.

"If a resident tutor system proves successful in one dorm, we may try to incorporate residence quarters for tutors in the present brick dormitories," Jordan said.

Jordan emphasized, however, that the addition of tutors would not basically change the Annex housing system. "Radcliffe is committed to a dormitory system which cannot be adapted to a house plan," he said.


The success of the present Annex tutor affiliate program has been an important factor in contributing to the hope for an expansion of student-tutor contacts, Jordan indicated.

Under the current tutorial arrangement, each of the eight brick dorms is assigned a Radcliffe graduate student, who eats two meals a week in that dormitory.
