Names of eighteen professors and instructors at the University were listed under the title "Eggheads Are Going for Eisenhower" in a New York Times advertisement yesterday.
The "eggheads" are in reality members of the Committee of Arts and Sciences for Eisenhower, which includes experts in the fields of art, education, entertainment, literature, music, and science.
They are Robert Braucher '40, Professor of Law, Edward H. Chamberlain, David A. Wells, Professor of Political Economy, Arthur H. Cole, Professor of Business Economics, Gottfried Haberler, Paul M. Warburg, Professor of Economics, Alfred C. Handford, Professor of Government, Malcom P. McNair '16, Lincoln Filene Professor of Retailing, and Richard S. Meriam '14, Charles Edward Wilson Professor of Business Policy.
Others included Roscoe Pound, University Professor, emeritus, Sumner H. Slichter, Lamont University Professor, George A. Smith, Jr., Professor of Business Administration, Arthur E. Sutherland, Bussey Professor of Law, Eric G. Ball, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Garrett Birkhoff '32, Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Alexander Forbes '04, Professor of Physiology, emeritus, Albert B. Hastings, Hamilton Kuhn Professor of Biological Chemistry, Eugene M. Landis, George Higginson Professor of Physiology, Joseph L. Walsh '16, Perkins Professor of Mathematics, Isidor I. Rabi, Morris Loeb Lecturer on Physics.
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