WASHINGTON, Oct. 26--The United States has started consulting Britain, France and other allies to decide whether to cite Russia before the United Nations on charges of brutal military intervention in Hungary.
The State Department, in disclosing this today, also hinted this country is considering a separate diplomatic protest to Moscow denouncing Russia for using its troops against the Hungarian students and workers.
At a news conference, a spokesman for the department reported a new blackout of all telephone and telegraph contact with the American Legation in the revolt-torn capital of Budapest.
Hungarians Riot
VIENNA, Oct. 26--Budapest's anti-Communist riots flared across western Hungary tonight, spreading a trail of death.
A Hungarian doctor said Russian forces massacred 75 demonstrating villagers only ten miles from the Austrian border.
In some cases, Russian tanks were reported joining the rebels. At Budapest other Soviet tanks and Hungarian troops loyal to the Communist regime fought the insurgents into the fourth night of blood-letting.
East Germans Warned
BERLIN, Oct. 26--Communist leaders in East Germany begged their restive people tonight to resist the fever of revolt-engulfed Hungary.
The regime backed up its pleas by cancelling army leaves and putting 120,000 army troops on emergency alert to crush any anti-Soviet uprising.
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Bodies in the Garbage