

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

For the sake of the record I should like to correct the report which appeared in the CRIMSON (Sept. 28) of my remarks at the Harvard World Federalists forum.

According to this report I put forward my specific plan for world government and felt that "world government in any guise is good." This represents a virtually complete reversal of my actual position.

I actually expressed my strong doubts that any plan is currently feasible and put forward no plan of my own. Furthermore, I contended that world government in various of the forms which it could take might be thoroughly undesirable, and that its acceptability to different parts of the world would depend very largely on the auspices under which it came into being and on the composition of the groups which would be dominant in it.

The United States would presumably find a world government run by the Russians and Chinese as unacceptable as the latter would find one run by the major NATO powers, and the anti-colonialists would not be greatly attracted to a world government controlled by their former imperial overlords. Rupert Emerson.
