
Five Political Groups Join Behind Adlai

Concentrate Efforts On National Drive

Five University political organizations have integrated forces for this fall's campaign in behalf of Adlai E. Stevenson.

Led by the 1000-member Students for Stevenson, the combined groups have already participated in two extensive fund raising projects and two registration canvassing drives.

The five organizations, the College Young Democrats, the Law School Democrats, the Liberal Union, the newly-formed Radcliffe Young Democrats, and the Students for Stevenson, have concentrated their efforts specifically on the national campaign, with a few working for selected local candidates.

Tuesday, in conjunction with the national Dollars for Democrats Day, University students worked the streets of Boston soliciting dollar contributions for Stevenson's Television Fund. Theodore Kesselman 3L, president of the Students for Stevenson, reported that Harvard workers, combined with Wellesley co-workers, were responsible for over 60 per cent of the $2100 collected by college students in the metropolitan area.

650 Shoes


In another TV fund drive, over 650 "silver shoes" have been sold at a dollar apeice, Kesselman said, adding that 150 more have been ordered.

Central organization has proved most effective in campaigning, as graduates and colleges students were each assigned certain Cambridge precincts during the Registration drive a few weeks ago.

Over 12 precincts were covered in Cambridge, located mainly in Wards 6, 7, and 8, those immediately adjacent the Harvard area, he added.

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