
Council Treasurer Hofeld Fails To Hide Appropriations Fiasco

Secret Letter Bared

Attempts to smother a flasco in the Student Council treasury failed last night when a confidential letter from Council Treasurer Albert F. Hofeld '58 to members of the Council came to light.

In a secret letter sent to Council members before last Monday's meeting, Hofeld revealed that a $500 "Domestic Scholarships" appropriation voted last spring for distribution through the Financial Aid Office never reached that office.

The secret letter continued: "While we must trust the sincere intentions of public media within our community, a matter of this nature would be best trested if it were not made 'news'."

According to Hofeld, "The money was never paid because the Treasurer never realized his duty to pay the money." Presumably the money was used for other Council business, since the Treasury contained only $400 at the end of last spring, according to Hofeld.

In his letter, Hofeld suggested "Perhaps the Council would like to consider appropriating twice the amount for this year's Demestic Scholarship to help compensate for last term's oversight."


Demestic Scholarship appropriation was on the agenda for Monday's Council meeting, previous to which Hofeld reportedly worked with president Edward Abramson '56 cautioning members against revealing the reason behind the doubled appropriation at the meeting. The Council tabled the item.

The remainder of Hofel's letter said: "Last term the Council voted to appropriate $500 for the domestic scholarship. Since the Treasurer pays all bills, it was implied in this agreement that the Treasurer should pay this $500 to the scholarship office."

Although Director of the Financial Aid Office John U. Monro '34 was not available for comment yesterday, Hofeld's statement was unofficially confirmed.

Council president Abramson was also not available for comment.

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