
Yardlings Win, 16-0, in Tufts Opener

The Yardling football team opened its season Saturday and gained a measure of revenge for the Crimson by defeating the Tufts freshmen, 16 to 0. Their acting captain, left halfback Chet Boulris, starred offensively for the Crimson, scoring two touchdowns.

Operating from the new A-formation, the Yardlings experienced somewhat the same difficulties that hounded the varsity in its opener. The Yardlings were penalized frequently for backfield in motion, with one infraction costing them a 70-yard touchdown pass play from quarterback Ted Marmor to halfback Alby Cullen.

The Yardlings jumped into a quick 2-0 lead early in the first quarter, when the Tufts center hiked the ball over his half-back's head. Although the Jumbo quarterback recovered the ball, he was tackled before he could get out of his end zone. In the second quarter Boulris scored from Tufts' 35-yard line and in the next period, he swept end for 65 yards and the final Crimson touchdown.


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