Winthrop House has announced a bold plan to move many classes from the Yard to facilities in the House. The first step was taken two weeks ago when an Economics 1 section for twenty house members was set up in cooperation with the Economics department.
The move was described last night by Ronald M. Ferry, Master of Winthrop House, an an attempt to "shift at least some of the intellectual life of the College into the House."
The idea, which originated with Ferry and Senior Tutor Albert Mavrinac, has the approval of President Pusey and Dean Bundy.
If the experimental Economics 1 section is a success, and Master Ferry said that "it seems to be going well," then the program will be expanded to include other courses.
Government 1, Social Sciences 1 and 2, were described by Mavrinac as next on the program. If the departments are willing and if Winthrop House has tutors available in these subjects, the sections will begin this Spring, he said.
Best for Lecture Section Courses
Mavrinac noted that the program will be most successful in lecture courses which include section meetings. The formality of the lecture would make the relaxed, round-table section meetings a welcome and beneficial change, he added.
English 10 already holds section meetings in the Houses, but they are basically tutorial for Sophomores rather than a regular class. They are an attempt to strengthen tutorial, rather than part of a general plan to expand the intellectual role of the Houses.
Special Room Set Up
To facilitate the new sections, Winthrop House is setting up a special room which can seat twenty students conference style, as opposed to a classroom. Similar rooms should be planned for the proposed new Houses, the Senior Tutor recommended. "It is generally anticipated that as the College grows, the Houses will become the intellectual as well as social centers."
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