
Basketball Varsity Opposes M.I.T. Saturday Night at Engineers' Gym

A thoroughly unpredictable varsity basketball team will attempt to boost its record above .500 tomorrow night when it meets a better-than-average M.I.T. squad. Gametime at the Engineers' gym is 8:15 p.m.

If predictions about the Crimson five were possible, a close game would be forecast. Both teams have records in the vicinity of .500 and both own victories over Amherst. But the varsity's recent performance in the New England Holiday Tournament--a victory by 49 points to a team it previously lost to and a defeat by 30 points to a college it boat less than a month earlier--makes any thought of a prediction ridiculous.

Equally uncertain is the team's starting lineup. Six foot four Phil Haughey will start at one forward, but either Dick Hurley or Lou Lowenfels could start at the other, according to Coach Floyd Wilson. Ike Canty, an all-tournament selection over the vacation, will start at center, while Bob Hastings will open at one of the guards. At the other guard post, Wilson plans to put either Bob Barnett or Billy Riggs.

M.I.T. will be led by Dmitri Vergun, one of the Boston area's outstanding players. Vergun is currently averaging close to 30 points. With Vergun leading the way, the Technicians have won four straight games after a slow start. The varsity's record is currently four and four after a slow start.

The M.I.T.-Harvard game will be preceded at 6:15 by a contest between the freshman teams of the same two schools.
