
Room Service

At the Brattle

Room Service is corny, contrived, and very funny. Most of the fun comes from the Marx Brothers who, although they are not at their best in this 1938 classic, are still great. Even the most sophisticated viewer will laugh at the subtle commentaries of Groucho's moustache and eyebrows. Harpo's silent humor is pantomime comparable to Chaplin's and Chico is always lovable and sometimes hilarious.

Only the Marx Brothers could have produced genuine humor from so superficial and ridiculous a plot. The story, when salvaged from moose heads, flying turkeys, and the like, centers about the attempts of Groucho's penniless producer, to get enough money for food and theatrical costs before he is evicted from his hotel room. "The show must go on" antics provide the entire plot, the rest being elaboration. As a result, the film sometimes drags and the jokes become tedious, but the movie closes with scenes so hilarions that Martin and Lewis seem low-ranking amateurs by comparison.

Once they are given a situation with some potential, the Marx Brothers tear into it with a delightful zest which makes up for much of the plot's weakness. Their skill barely saves many slapstick scenes from a fatal resemblance to televsion-style humor.

An even more ancient sight than Lucille Ball with shoulder pads is the short subject, featuring Ben Turpin in Mack Sennett's Small Town Idol. The only entertaining thing about this relic is the realization that great-grandmother once laughed at it. More to modern taste are the two Mr. Magoo cartoons. Good old Magoo staggers through a skiing trip and the sale of his furniture in grand style. He is even better than Groucho Marx, which is quite a feat.
