
English Dept. To Give Four New Courses

The Department of English will offer for the first time next term three new advanced composition courses, all officially classified as equally advanced and as 100-level courses in literature.

The new advanced courses are English Fb, which will be given by Edwin Honig, Briggs-Copeland Assistant Professor of English Composition, and concern short fiction and poetry; English Xb, to be given in two sections, by Gerald W. Brace, visiting professor of English and Monroe Engel, assistant professor of English, and concerning long fiction or personal narrative; and English Yb, playwrighting, to be given by Robert H. Chapman, assistant professor of English.

English Kb, concerning the short story, will also be given this term by Brace replacing Theodore Morrison, lecturer in English, who is on leave of absence. In addition, John C.T.B. Hawkes, Jr., visiting lecturer on English, will give two sections of English Cb.

Brace, who is a full professor at Boston University, is the author of The Garretson Chronicles, and other novels. Hawkes has written The Cannibal and five other experimental works of full length fiction.

Engel, new to the University this year from Princeton, has written essays, stories, and the novel A Length of Rope.
