
Scrivner Will Head '56 Debate Council

Robert W. Scrivner '57 of Kirkland House was elected new president of the Debate Council last night. The council also passed a resolution to give an annual award in memory of William C. Boydon III '57, who was killed in an auto accident over Christmas vacation.

In other elections, James R. Sikes '57 was named Vice-president and John U. Burdick '57, Jared U. Diamond '58, James L. Kincaid '58, John Kozol '58, and Richard H. Murray '58 were selected as officers at large for the council.

The resolution to give a prize in memory of Boyden reads "To be given to the member of the junior class who most nearly approximates the standards set by William C. Boydon III." The award, in the form of the book, will be first given in 1957.
