
Ratte Wins Advocate Presidential Election

At a meeting last night the Advocate elected John Ratte '57 of Lowell House and Andover, Mass., as its next president. The full board also named Frederick Seidel '57 of Eliot House and St. Louis as Pegasus; Charles P. Sifton '57 of Eliot House and Washington, D.C., as secretary; A. Whitney Elisworth '58 as treasurer; Allerton Cusham, Jr. '58 of Kirkland House and New York as Business manager; and Willard F. Midgette '58 of Dunstar House and New York as Art Editor.

For the past year Ratte has served as art editor of the magazine. He has designed several of the recent covers, including the so-called "architectural" ones, he has also written poetry and a short story for the magazine. Ratte also designs sets for the Dramatic Club and has acted in several of the Workshop production.
