
McCarthy to Be Witness Against Kamin at Trial

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy will appear as a prosecution witness at the contempt of Congress trial of Leon J. Kamin '49, it was learned yesterday. The trial, which will be separate from that of Wendell H. furry, associate professor of Physics, was schedule recently to begin October 11.

McCarthy will testify presumably about the January, 1954 one-man hearing of the Senate Permanent Investigating Committee at which Kamin refused to answer questions concerning his former Communist associates.

Three other Republican members of the subcommittee, Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, Charles E. Potter of Michigan, and Karl E. Mundt of South Dakota, have been subpoenaed also to appear at the trial.

James D. St. Clair, special trial counsel for Furry, said yesterday that no trial date has been fixed for his client. He explained the separation of the trials of Furry and Kamin as the result of normal judicial practice, but refused to comment on whether differences between the two cases might have influenced the decision.

Both men were questioned at McCarthy's 1954 Boston hearing, but were asked about different individuals. Furry and Kamin were members of the Communist party at different periods; Kamin wrote for the Dally Worker, and Furry was a member of a Communist discussion group. Kamin had never worked for a government project, as Furry had during World War II.


Kamin said yesterday that he had requested that his trial be held as quickly as possible, "to clear up my status." Formerly a research assistant in Social Relations here, and in Psychology at McGill University in Montreal, he is now an instructor and research associate at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.

In another development, the Federal District Attorney's office yesterday announced that Assistant Attorney John M. Harrington, Jr., had taken over the case from Attorney James P. Lynch, who ended a two-year appointment in July.
