
Fisher Wins $200 Sergant Translation Prize

Humphrey J. Fisher '55 has been awarded the John Osborne Sergeant prize for the best metrical transmissions of a lyric poem of Korea. The announcement of the $200 award was made by Sergent Kennedy '25, secretary of the faculty of Arts and Sciences.

James Alan Matisoff '58 was awarded the Jeremy Belknap award of $50 for the best French composition written by a first year student in the College, and the Coolidge Debating Prize has been divided equally between George M. Fredrickson '56 and David P. Bryden '57--the best speakers in the trial for the Harvard-Yale-Princeton debates.

Kennedy also announced that Piacido J. Zappala '55 has been awarded the Circolo Italiano Prize of $25 for an essay, "The struggle for during the Golden Age of the Sixteenth Century." The putch an annual award.
