
Crimson Will Meet Elis In Championship Game

Undisputed possession of the Ivy League title for the first time in history, the EIBL all-time best won-loss record, and the traditional glory which comes with winning a Harvard-Yale game will all go to the Crimson tomorrow if it simply does what it has done already 16 times this season: win a ball game.

Standing between the varsity and all these records is an Eli squad, which has been only slightly less spectacular than the home forces during the course of the season. Yale boasts an identical 8-0 League record and a 16 won, 8 loss overall record. Four of Yale's eight defeats came on a tough Southern tour, which included victories over strong Wake Forest, Notre Dame, and North Carolina teams.

Coaches Ethan Allen of the New Haven team and Norm Shepard of the varsity will both start their top pitchers. For the Crimson it will be senior righthander Andy Ward, pitching his final league game and looking for his seventh straight win of the season. He has yet to lose this spring. Allen will rely on lefthanded Ken MacKenzie, who shut out Princeton last week, and boasts a 2.00 earned run average. MacKenzie's won-loss record is a mediocre 4 and 3, but two of his defeats came on the southern trip. He has struck out 41 batters in his last 49 innings.

Should MacKenzie falter in the late innings Allen can send in sophomore Ray Carlson, who has won all seven of his starts this season. Yale's offensive power is not quite up to its pitching but the team boasts three .300 batters.

For the varsity, Shepard will start the same eight regulars who have sparked the team in its current eight game winning streak.
