
Varsity Cross Country Asks Major Rating

Team Seeks Action By Athletic Council

The varsity cross country team will attempt to gain major sport status, it was learned yesterday.

Members of the squad claim there was a misunderstanding about a petition to the Undergraduate Athletic Council which stated that the team wanted to be considered for major status, if the soccer team received such consideration.

"We do not object to the fact that soccer has been considered, but feel that cross country's status should have been taken up at the same time," Robert D. Martin, cross country manager, said. The Undergraduate Council recommended earlier in the week that soccer players receive major letters.

Unless the Council schedules a special meeting before the end of the school year, the cross country squad must wait until next fall for its case to be taken up. Council Chairman Frank M. White said last night that "today I will talk to coach William McCurdy and see if we can settle the matter. I do not know at present if the Council will meet again."

"I think cross country is at least as qualified as soccer to gain major letter consideration. The team meets all the requirements that soccer does, and it will not have to revise its standards for the awarding of the "H" to players," Bob Rittenburg, captain of the track team and a member of the Undergraduate Council, said yesterday.


"It came to me as a complete shock when the recommendation for soccer came up. I understood that no varsity teams would be considered this year," he added.

Cross country is a major sport in all other Ivy League colleges except Cornell and is considered on an equal plane with all other varsity sports at most eastern universities, according to a poll taken by the team manager.

If the team is not elevated to major status it will be the only fall sport (providing the soccer recommendation gains approval) not so recognized.
