
Cincinnati to Host Annual Meeting Of Harvard Clubs

More than 700 alumni will attend the fifty-eight annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs in Cincinnati this weekend. The session is to be held to "promote better relations between the attending alumni and the University," Peter E. Pratt '40, secretary of the Alumni Association, said yesterday.

The purpose of the meeting is threefold, Pratt explained. "We hope to stimulate interest in the University, exchange ideas, and have a good time."

Discussion panels on the arts, government, education, finance, medicine, and science will provide most of the interest, Pratt said. "The panels attract a diversified type of audience that ordinarily might not be interested in attending an alumni reunion," he explained.

Addressing the panels will be Dean Bundy, Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Dean Van Vleck, and Nobel Prize-winners John F. Enders, associate professor of Bacteriology and Immunology, and Thomas H. Weller, Richard Pearson Strong Professor of Tropical Public Health. Several other faculty members and professional men will also participate.

To facilitate the exchange of ideas, the alumni have set up a "workshop program" in which men connected with the University instruct alumni workers in the rudiments of college administration. "The workshop deals mainly with some of the mechanics of running a large university, for example, the awarding of prizes and scholarships," Pratt concluded.


Comprised of 133 Harvard Clubs in the United States and foreign countries, the Association and its local clubs award prizes and scholarships, sponsor speakers from the University, and assist in the selection of undergraduates and in employment placement.
