Pitirim A. Sorokin, Director of the University Research Center in Creative Altruism, yesterday announced a plan to organize an Association for the Application of Creative Altruism (AACA) on an international scale.
Sorokin, who defines altruism as "love for love's sake," and creative altruism as 'two parties trying to help each other achieve an objective of positive value," revealed that introductory letters concerning the Association have been sent to ten men who are leaders in their respective professional fields.
The first idea for the AACA came from several unsolicited letters of people who had observed the progress of Sorokin's present Research Center at the University.
Creative Love Powerful
The University Center, which has been endowed annually with $15,000 since 1949, is based on the assumption that none of the prevalent prescriptions against international and civil wars can eliminate or decrease these conflicts. It maintains also that unselfish, creative love potentially represents a tremendous power--provided it can be produced in abundance, accumulated, and used at will.
Kindred Council
"We are researching to learn how to transform individuals and groups into more altruistic and creative beings who would feel, think, and behave as real members of a mankind un united into one intensely solid family," Sorokin stated.
"The new Association would operate under a constitution and function through an international council," he said.
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Alexander Calder