
Old World Hand Bells Will Sound In Student Saturday Night Concert

Olde worlde bell ringing will be on exhibition this weekend when three University students give a hand-bell concert in Paine Hall.

Alan E. Pedler, post-doctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Edwin F. Taylor 2G, and Faith Young '58 will demonstrate change-bell ringing in the New England Guild of Hand-Bell Ringers' concert. Saturday at 3 p.m. In change-ringing, each ringer handles two bells, one of a time: the bells are rung in definite sequences called changes. "Very unusual to one who has never heard it before" Taylor said.

The rest of the concert will consist of tune-ringing in which each ringer manipulates several bells to produce piano-chord effects. Any number of individuals may participate.

Unusual Tons

A hand-bell looks like an ordinary bell, but its clapper is covered with leather to produce a smoother tone. The ringer holds the bell by a stiff leather thong, which Taylor compared to a baseball bat.


Taylor said that his hand-bell set is probably one of the largest in the country.
