The mock hydrogen bomb raid scheduled for June 15 and 16 definitely will not affect Commencement ceremonies at either Harvard of Radcliffe, Edmond M. Burke, director of Cambridge Civil Defense, revealed yesterday.
"There will be no public participation in the College area," said Burke after discussing the problem with the state headquarters. "The real purpose of the raid is to check communication facilities, such as civil defense radio station." He added that the department realized the difficulties which would be involved in defensive measures during graduation exercises in the Yard.
The raid will be held in 50 American cities on June 15--Radcliffe Commencement day--and will extend through the morning of June 16, when the Harvard exercises are scheduled.
Even if the citizens of Cambridge were to participate in the test, Burke said he doubted whether the city Civil Defense unit would be prepared to evacuate people from the city. "We have no definite idea of how to remove children out of school buildings speedily in event of a raid," Burke said, but made no specific reference to Harvard.
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Alexander Calder