
Varsity Rugby Squad Edges Dartmouth, 6-5

The Crimson rugby team took another step towards capturing the Intercollegiate Cup-Eastern Championship double on Saturday, as it edged Dartmouth, 6 to 5, for its sixth victory. The side need now only take one of its two remaining league games with Princeton and Yale to ensure the sweep.

The important man in the Crimson's second defeat of the Indians was Bob Cochran, who scored all the side's points on two fine penalty kicks. His second conversion, made with less than ten minutes remaining was a superb 50 yard angled place kick.

Dartmouth took control of the play immediately after the kickoff, and opened the scoring at the 15 minute mark with a converted try near the posts. Cochran's first kick came in time to make the score 5 to 3 at the half.
