
Kinsey Declares Sexual Patterns Are Determined at Age of Three

Alfred C. Kinsey, author of the Kinsey Reports on Sexual Behavior, told a good-humored crowd of 650 at Sanders Theatre last night that the sexual patterns of an individual are already determined at the age of three.

The noted biologist, the first speaker of the new PBH lecture series, explained that the parent who takes his 16-year-old son aside to reveal the facts of life is already 13 years late.

Kinsey declined comment on whether or not a major course on sexual behavior would be advisable at the University. "We don't recommend anything," he said. "You can take our data or throw it away. We just present it."

Drawing most of his material from his two major reports, Kinsey gave statistics on the success of marriage and explained that the "greatest possible emotional experience comes form sexual relations."

As a result, he continued, "the sexual factor is involved in 75 percent of marriage break-ups.
