
Sporting Scene

The Ivy's New Trophy

The Ivy Group today has a silver symbol--a gleaming trophy given by the Pennsylvania Class of 1925 for the winner of the Ivy Group football championship.

The announcement of the perpetual award was made two weeks ago after an informal luncheon of Ivy athletic directors and Boston sports writers at the Hotel Commodore. For two days before the luncheon the eight directors had thrashed through common problems of scheduling, umpires, and all the odds and ends involved with a league of eight colleges.

The release of the trophy came so quietly after all this closed-door talk one wonders whether vacation-minded undergraduates two weeks ago realized its significance. Certainly the directors did.

For them the trophy symbolized long night of conversations in hotel rooms, long distance telephone calls, and files of correspondence. These hours covered little details and big words like amateurism and athletic integration.

At the luncheon all this added up to eight modest grins and healthy stock of optimism in the future of Ivy athletics. Through the trophy the directors are telling the athletic public that come good football or bad they are of one mind and body.


Of course this was never said at the luncheon. But it was implied in every remark during the meeting and each handshake at its conclusion. After all, what could be a better sign of unity than a football championship trophy given by Pennsylvania, once the stormiest eleven in the East, now just one of seven other amateur teams?
