
Crimson Slalom Ski Team Places Second in Big Three Competition

The Crimson narrowly missed winning the Big Three Slalom Championship as Yale edged the varsity, 95.9 to 93.4, on Saturday in Jackson, N.II.

In scoring the meet, the combined times of two slalom runs for the top four men on each squad were taken. Princeton, with only three varsity men competing, was unable to post an official score.

Behind Pete Well, captain of the Blue, who had the best total time, and second place finisher Jock Brooks, a Tiger freshman, were four Crimson skiers. Tim Thatcher placed third with a combined total of 96.6 seconds for the two runs, 3.6 seconds slower than Well's time. Ebbe Dane, Karim Khan, and Fred Churchill came in fourth, fifth, and sixth for the Crimson.

Khan's fifth was not included in the varsity scoring, however, as he is a freshman. The fourth man for the varsity was Charles Beveridge, who finished 14th in a field of 20.

Two of the varsity's top slalom men, Sandy Whitelaw and Pete Churchill, did not compete in the meet, and their absence may have been crucial in the close competition.


Besides Khan, Ash Hallot also placed high for the Crimson freshmen, taking the 11th position. These two men enabled the Yardlings to win the freshman competition over Princeton by a 94.4 to 79.8 score. Yale had no cub entries in the meet, which took place under ideal conditions.
