
Jaffee Law Club Wins Ames Contest Finals

Jaffe law club last Thursday defeated the BakerSmith club in this year's finals of the Ames Competition held in the new Austen Hall Courtroom before a capacity crowd of 600.

Judges Frederick W. Brune '18 of the First Circuit Court of Appeals, Tom Clark Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and Peter Woodbury '24. Marryland State Supreme Court judge were unanimous in awarding the verdict to Jaffe.

Jaffe will receive a $800 prize from the James Barr Ames fund set up by the former dean of the Law School to promote the competition. BakerSmith will receive the runner-up prize of $200.

The last of this year's Ames quarter-finals will be held tonight at 8 p.m. in the Austen Courtroom, Griswold and Gordner clubs will debate a movie coachship case.
