
Holcombe, Builder of Dept. of Government, To Retirement in Summer

Arthur N. Holcombe '06, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government and one of the main builders of the Government department, will retire this year.

Holcombe has taught at the University for more than 45 years, and he was Chairman of the Department of Government three times, totalling nearly 20 years. He is also lecturer at the Graduate School of Public Administration.

For many years Holcombe taught and planned Government 1. He now teaches Government 103, Principles of Popular Government, Government 130, The National Government of the United States, and two graduate courses in American Government.

He has also devoted much time to government service, both in Washington and in Massachusetts. From 1942 to 1945, he was chairman of the appeals committee of the War Production Board, and in 1936 he served on the President's Committee on Administrative Management, a prototype of the Hoover Committee.

Perhaps his most influential book was his 1933 "The New Party Politics." Its thesis was that economic factors override sectionalism in American politics.
