To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The article on Kirkland House in Wednesday's CRIMSON seems to me a piece of unsuccessful journalism which violates the obligations of good reporting. It contains errors of fact concerning the physical condition of the courtyard (while neglecting the significant point that the planned restoration of the courtyard is the product of the joint devotion of House members and the present and future Masters): it presents assumptions concerning the master which are the reverse of reality; it is conceived and written in a spirit completely at variance with companion articles on the other Houses.
I claim no special objectivity for myself regarding Kirkland House: quite the contrary--I lived here as an undergraduate and am at present on the House staff. I do maintain that the view of the House presented in the CRIMSON is not only in bad taste, but is so lacking in objectivity that I cannot believe that the author of the article possesses any personal knowledge of the House. Thomas F. McGann '41
The CRIMSON apologizes to Kirkland House for the inequitable tone of the article. There was no intent to present a picture of the House which could be construed so unfavorably.--Ed.
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