The varsity swimming team, once again unbeaten going into its final meet of the season, won its tenth straight victory in New York City on Saturday, by beating Columbia, 70to 14.
Meanwhile, Yale overwhelmed the Princeton team, 68 to 16, which the Crimson defeated the previous weekend. This assures the varsity of at least second place in the eastern Intercollegiate swimming League.
Though the Crimson beat Princeton by only 54 to 30, comparative scores mean little. The Tigers had expected to defeat the varsity; against Yale they never tried. However, the Elis' winning times do show that Hal Ulen's squad will have to do still more work if hopes for an upset.
Columbia was able to take only three second places and never scorded two men in one event. Jim Amlicke placed between Marshall Walter and John Montgomery in the low-board dive, and Sheldon Weiderhorn edged a sick Bill Hoadley for the second spot behind Sigo Falk in the breaststroke.