
PBH Blood Drive Will Begin Today

Phillips Brooks House will solicit pledges for donations in graduate dormitories on a room-to-room basis for the first time in its spring blood drive, which will begin today and continue through Friday.

PBH will also solicit from Radcliffe and undergraduate dormitories as it has done in the past. Radcliffe girls will seek donations at Harkness Commons, the Union, and a booth in front of the Coop.

Expect Increase In Donation

The drive's co-chairmen, Lewis Kruger '56, Louis H. Fingerman '56, and Steven J. Lendman '56, expect an increase in donations over last fall's drive, because of additional room solicitation. Last fall's drive results were somewhat below expectations.

A notice containing information on the blood program has been distributed. "The purpose of this notice is to convince people that they should go through with their pledges," Lendman stated. Last fall, actual donations represented only 40 percent of the pledges.


Donations can be made from April 25 to 29 in Memorial Hall by all students who have pledged.
