The Senate will pass a four year extension of the Universal Military Training and Service Act after Easter, Senator Leverett Saltonstall '14 (R. Mass.) predicted yesterday.
Until the House acts on President Eisenhower's Military Reserve Program, however, the Senate will not act on the extension of Selective Service. The bill. If accepted in its present from, will keep the present draft law in effect for four years.
"We are waiting for the Reserve Bill to come from the House before we act, and probably will consider both bills at the same time," Saltonstall said. He is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"I do not know what the final outcome of the Reserve Bill will be," he added, "but I think that the draft bill that we pass will be basically the same as the old one."
Expires July 1
The draft bill that is now in effect will expire on July 1. It states that all men between 13 1/2 and 26 are subject to draft, and must serve for 24 months.
Eisenhower's Military Reserve Program, if approved, will create an Army volunteer force containing between 100,000 and 250,000 men in a 17 to 12 year old age group. The volunteers will have to serve six months in active duty and seven and one half years in reserve.
At present, the bill has passed the House Armed Services Subcommittee, but must pass a full committee and the House floor before being sent o the Senate.
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