
Ryssian Over the Countryside

University students should not be disappointed by the news that Moscow authorities failed to include Cambridge on the itinerary of a group of Russian student newspaper editors visiting the United states next month. After all, Russians already k now all about Harvard. One of their magazine articles, recently translated by the Russian Research Center, clearly pointed out Harvard's major role in bringing American universities "back to the Middle Ages."

Of course, the Soviet students might have enjoyed confirming some of the observations of their experts. As things stand now, they will unfortunately never get a chance to attend classes where theology "is offered to substitute for scientific knowledge and a scientific world view." Nor will they be able to hear President Pusey as he "stands at the right hand of senator McCarthy and calls on the benediction of God for the destruction of scientific and educational institutions."

If the Russians should change their minds, however, we would still be glad to show them around.
