
Policy Is the Best Honesty

Said grave Daily News head, Ed Kent,

"Toward virtue our instincts are bent.

Though dull, to be sure,

Our stories are pure,

And free from all shocking intent."


To the News, then, this rhyme is addressed;

When conviction is put to the test,

Decide in a trice,

Though honesty's nice,

The course politic is best.

Jim Watts, G.B. Shaw, William Tell,

Godiva and "Prince" Machiavelli:

They all made hate faces

At social straight laces

And ethic's deceptive bordell.

So readers must stifle their anger

or, when mad as a ruffled wet hen, grrr.

Why be responsible?

We're all ensconsable,

Sheltered by John Peter Zenger.
