
Yale Effort to Combat Myths of Negro Bias Considered Successful

Student-inspired attempts to encourage Negroes to apply to Yale have already met with encouraging results, Kenneth Robson '56, chairman of the informal faculty-student committee, said yesterday.

The committee has received answers from 15 of the 25 promising Negro secondary school students to whom it wrote last month. All were boys who had not previously considered application to Yale, but who will now definitely apply.

Robson, who began efforts to break down racial misconceptions about Yale during his freshman year, pointed to Harvard's reputation for non-discrimination as a goal. "Our job here is to break down the Yale myth," he said.

Committee Broadens Program

The committee has also decided to broaden its activities next year. Included among plans formulated this week are letters to all Negro alumni of Yale, news releases about colored students at Yale for the Negro press, and informational efforts through New York church leaders.


The committee hopes to concentrate its program in such areas as New York City and Washington, D.C., rather than limit itself to recommended students.
