

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I would like to clarify my position in regard to the reports of unethical election practices in the H.Y.R.C. I believe that most of these charges, if investigated, could be shown to involve no dishonesty. What I believe is harming the club is the planning committee's refusal to investigate them and clear the club's reputation. I do not believe the Dean's office should be brought into the matter. It should be handled by the club, but not ignored by the club as was done at last Monday's planning committee meeting.

In regard to Mr. Studholme's letter, I do not believe that the election was illegal or that the new officers are not "politically clean," to use his phrase. He is right in contending that the reports of irregularities should be investigated. If the reports of irregularities were investigated, I am convinced that the new officers of the club would be given a clean bill of health. If the reports are not investigated by an impartial committee of the club, there will be an element of doubt in many persons' minds concerning the election. John C. Eldridge '55
