The Band will join in the wearing of the green this afternoon when it marches in the South Boston St. Patrick's Day parade.
Each bandsman will wear a large shamrock over the breast pocket of his red uniform jacket, and a large green sign proclaiming "Erin Go Bragh" will be stretched across the row of tubas.
At the head of the parade, which will cover five miles in South Boston, the Band will supply appropriate music as well as color. Special numbers for the occasion will include "McNamara's Band," "Garry Owen," and "The Wearing of the Green."
Bostonians will not be allowed to forget that the band comes from Harvard, however. Band Manager Arnold H. Aronson '56 promised that the Band would not neglect College songs and reviewing stands will also be entertained with "Ten Thousand Men of Harvard."
This is the first time the Band has played in the annual parade. They will follow behind Chief Marshal Joseph Alecks, and precede about 25,000 other marchers, including about 50 other bands.
The parade will begin at Andrews Square at 2 p.m.
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