Students contemplating transportation as a career should first consider the low starting salaries and stiff competition, three career transportation men agreed last night at the Conference on Careers.
W. Nelson Bump, Regional Vice-President of National Airlines, opened the conference by telling students that they would get only $300 a month as newly-hired agents, and risked being "buried in low positions."
Railroad careers are more promising according to John Behringer, Vice-President of the Rock Island Railroad, because of the growing number of management training programs. He described the Rock Island Railroad's efforts to pick the most promising new employees and prepare them for executive positions.
The shipping industry is plagued by the same problem, but has numerous openings in certain fields, such as foreign sales, John D. S. Moore, Vice-President of the Grace Line reported.
All three speakers emphasized the need for "talent and imagination," however, and told students that while problems were formidable, they could find excellent positions if they really had the ability necessary for such work.
Another Careers Conferences, on Architectural Sciences, will be held tonight at 8 in the Adams House Lower Common Room.
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