
Former Heads of HYRC Will Seek Probe of Election

Several former officers of the Young Republican Club joined last night in calling for an impartial investigation by the HYRC of charges of dishonest campaigning in the organization's recent election.

Unless the club conducts its own investigation, John C. Eldridge '55, former vice-president, said he would favor a delegation taking the issue to Dean Watson's office.

Eldridge's remarks followed a statement made on Monday by John R. Thomson '56, the club's new president, that "the planning committee has discussed with the election committee the charges arising out of the recent election, and has come to the unanimous conclusion that the election was legal."

Committee Implicated

"But it's pretty absurd," Eldridge said, "for the new planning board and the election committee to give an authoritative statement that they are guiltless, when they themselves are implicated in these reports of wrong-doing." For the good of the club, he added, an impartial committee should be appointed to refuse the charges.


"If the club itself continues to refuse to investigate these reports impartially, I would definitely favor having members of the club go to Dean Watson to inquire about the possibilities of an official investigation," Eldridge added.

"The majority of the planning board will leave themselves and the club in an unfortunate position if they do not refute these very serious allegations," John W. Stephens '55, former president of the club, said last night.

The election controversy grew out of charges made last Sunday that some 40 voting members of the HYRC had not paid their dues but still voted in the recent elections of club officers.
