
PBH to Help In Survey of Grad Housing

Graduate Students Complain Room Conditions Inadequate

For the first time an extensive study of graduate student housing conditions near the Square will be inaugurated, Neil Hastic '52, PBH Graduate Secretary announced yesterday.

The survey will begin this month and be carried out by a Cambridge citizens committee in cooperation with PBH.

The purpose of the survey is to gather information on types and conditions of rooms available for graduate students. Results of the study will be sent to the PBH housing directory for use when rooms housing directory for use when rooms are listed for selection, in the fall.

Boarding House Tenements

"Some of the rooms in bearding houses currently used by non-resident graduate students are in quite poor condition," Hastie said. There are between 2,000 and 3,000 such rooms in use near the University.


Graduate students have charged that many of the boarding houses are "tenements." The principal complaints have been that the rooms are too small and dark, lack proper study facilities, and are generally unattractive. Many students have described the housing situation as being "pretty miserable."

One girl in the Law School said that facilities are particularly inadequate for women. Houses are crowded and geared mainly for male use, she said.


In addition to the study, a questionnaire will be sent out today by PBH to all non-resident graduate students. The form will ask questions concerning adequacy of present facilities and how they could be improved. Information gained form the inquiry will be used to help the committee in its survey.

In 1939 Brooks House sent a questionnaire to 2,500 non-resident students, inquiring into the housing situation. Results of the poll showed that many students were dissatisfied with conditions.

Hospitality Committee

The Cambridge Hospitality Committee, an organization formed to aid student members of minority groups select rooms in Cambridge, will do the actual work of surveying rooms. Hastie will act in an advisory capacity to the committee.
